These are some of the examples of content I edited that went live, when I was working at Universal Music.
Starbucks 60 days of good spec holiday commercial I cut while working at 72&SunnyLA.
72 So Fresh So Clean Full Intern Music Video
Is your office always dirty? Show this at work. If nothing else it'll make you laugh.
(Shot, edited, written, and recorded by yours truly)
Videos I created as prompts for a submission piece.
Remember when Infomercials were always on tv?
I edited from 11:09 to 15:15.
Videos from my days as a "mechanic" in Uncle Bob's Chop Shop. AKA things I made during my time at Create Advertising.
A job is just a job if you can't find ways to invest in and enjoy it. It was a trailer house at the end of the day, but what better way to show I could make trailers.
A concert compilation video I edited, but didn’t shoot for a company I worked for over the Summer.